Photo of sunset over a lake.

Robertson County Bank

Robertson County Bank, A Division of First National Bank of Huntsville

Visit us today to open a checking account, enjoy our debit cards, apply for a mortgage, open a business account, apply for a commercial real estate loan, and much more!
Personal  Business

Interested in a home loan? Please contact our Mortgage Lender at Robertson County Bank.

Suzie Ellison
In 2008, First National Bank of Huntsville reached a remarkable milestone, passing $300 million in assets and the growth in assets was accompanied by branch expansion. Robertson County Bank in Franklin, Texas, was founded in 2008, as a division of First National Bank of Huntsville. We built a beautiful new bank building that opened later that same year, featuring a gorgeous tin ceiling, wood floors and a large community meeting room for service organizations to utilize. The local management shares a combined total of 60 years banking experience and are very involved in many community activities. In 2018, Robertson County Bank celebrated their 10 year anniversary.
Robertson County Bank A Division of First National Bank of Huntsville
1041 West Decherd Street
Franklin, TX 77856